Côte-Rôtie Vignobles Levet

Vignobles LEVET

Vignobles LEVET

Gaec Vignobles Levet
26, Bld Les Allées RN 86 Face au clocher
69420 Ampuis
Téléphone :04 74 56 15 39
Télécopie : 04 74 56 19 75
Email : bernard.levet@free.fr
Ou : www.coterotielevet.fr

Created in 1929, a winegrowing of approximately 4 ha on slopes precipice in terraces, the ground of origin granitic is covered with mica schist and of gneiss, the vines are 50 years old and the type of vine is the Syrah. The wines are matured on average 2 years out of barrels of oak. You will like like us this Côte-Rôtie 2004, coloured, with the macerated fruit nose (cherry, blackberry), of at the same time powerful and round mouth, not yet with maturity, of course. The 2004 are of beautiful intensity, with the red spice and cooked fruit aromas, of a beautiful structure, with powerful tannins, of excellent guard.